
Mint McMerald


Age:19 Gender:Female [MTF] VA:chairgtables

The main star of the show!, she's a happy yet kinda shy nerdy girl with a big heart, she likes to play games, read manga and tends to get to some rather SILLY antics usually alongside her girlfriend Celia.

Mint's Older Sister         

Age:34 Gender:Female 

as it says, well, she's her sister!, she doesn't get to much but she's.....there.....

          Celia Katsime

Age:20 Gender:Female [MTF]

.....As mentioned above Mint's sis, she's Mint's loyal companion, so much she lives alongside mint, you can best describe her as "a shadowy creature" that is both magic and at the same time...kinda stupidly smug at time, she often tends to be kind of what you would call "a showoff" Demoing her magic skills if needed, or just plain out getting lazy and using it for dumb stuff like reaching a tv remote from afar.


Age:18 Gender:Male [yes, really, he looks like that, dont question it]

one of mint's friends, he's a bit more timid and weeby compared to mint though, he finds socializing hard,and sometimes just tends to have a bit of anxiety when meeting someone new, he's also a bit of a selfshipper, he has a hard crush on this "Slingy" character from one of his favorite series [even having a whole body pillow of them!]


          Sally Howard

Age:19 Gender:Female

a sorta popular streamer mint tends to watch, she's kinda....suggestive to an extent, she posts pinup photos of herself on her social media,  tends to wear some very "out there clothing" to the point she's sometimes even shamed for it, sometimes mint spots her out in the open and the two do get along often, they're "friends" but on a loose sense